Hello world! My name is Bartosz Kostka and welcome to my homepage.
If you are looking for my GPG key, you can find it here.
I work as a software developer at Google Waterloo. Before that I was an intern at Google Sunnyvale, Google New York, Google Waterloo, and Facebook. Prior to that, I worked as a contractor for Codility and Codilime - two IT companies based in Poland.
I earned a master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Wrocław, and a bachelor's degree in Joint Studies in Computer Science and Mathematics from the same university.
Sports programming is a mind sport focused on solving algorithmic puzzles. I am an international grandmaster and a top contributor on Codeforces - one of the biggest platforms with programming contests. I also won a bronze medal in Polish Olympiad in Informatics and Central European Regional Contest. I am the chair of the jury in Polish Junior Olympiad in Informatics and Algorithmic Engagements - the biggest open programming competition in Poland. I am also a problemsetter in Google Kick Start.
I used to teach informatics in 14th High School in Wrocław and 1st High School in Lubin, my home town, but now I focus more on personal tutoring with gifted students. My students have great achievements in Polish Olympiad in Informatics (7 gold, 5 silver, and 10 bronze medals) and International Olympiad in Informatics (5 gold, 1 silver, and 1 bronze medal).
In my free time, I love visiting new places. I have visited 75+ countries on 6 continents.
I am a lifeguard, I have a green belt in Kyokushin and my favorite dish to prepare is Pad Thai.